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Blogger city.

From outfit inspirations to the best dining locations, bloggers are a big influence on my life. Instagram is the main platform of social media where bloggers post, which is what I follow them all on. They promote the latest trends in fashion and beauty, and travel to the most beautiful destinations. I have to say though, on a tough day they can make you feel like poo by how beautiful and healthy looking they all are. The majority of bloggers tend to keep in shape, trying out the best protein shakes and advertising their personal diet secrets - which I am very envious of as I don't even have the motivation to sign up to the gym. When a new makeup product is advertised I have go to bloggers to find out if they have tested the product yet, as I know they give honest reviews and test out the product on video. Clothing is something bloggers advertise for brands when a new clothing range is released, which helps me keep up to date on the current trends. The blogging industry is definitely increasing, look what I am doing now. This is only a short post, but I thought I would share with you my favourite and go to bloggers - maybe you can give them a follow and love them just as much as me.

Naomi Genes, an Instagram Blogger and a new upcoming YouTube blogger. Naomi's fashion sense is right up my street, my favourite of them all. Her love for coats is equivalent to mine, I love throwing on a casual outfit but with a bold, nice coat. She is not only fashionable, but naturally beautiful so she glows up my feed. She has recently started vlogging on YouTube, a couple of her posts being a day out shopping, getting her hair done and her gym workouts. Instagram: @naomigenes YouTube: Naomi Genes

Lissy Roddy, a quirky fashion blogger who seems to have an endless wardrobe of clothes - I have no clue where she keeps it all. Lissy is so unique, she takes trendy clothes and makes them look cooler with her own twist. Fila Disruptors/2 are the trainers she is wearing in the image above and I love them, as she says on her haul 'they are ugly but in a cute way' and I couldn't agree more. I only like white trainers so they are a bit of me and the chunky look of them is fab. Lissy also has a YouTube channel, where she does amazing clothing hauls, she tries on the clothes as well to give her audience a vibe of what the outfit or piece would look like on which is great. Instagram: lissyroddyy YouTube: Lissy Roddy

Sarah Ashcroft, my all time favourite. I have been following Sarah since the beginning of her journey, when she wasn't as popular on social media. Sarah has collaborations with In The Style and Missguided, her collection's with In The Style are insane - if you haven't checked them out, I suggest you take a peak. Sarah knows how to make casual look trendy and that is what I love about her, as casual/lounge wear is almost everyday for me. Sarah has always had good makeup techniques, making her skin look flawless and dewy from day one. Sarah also has YouTube channel, but she isn't that active on it, mainly posting vlogs every now and then. Sarahs lifestyle is on point, go check out her insta. Instagram: sarahhashcroft YouTube: Sarah Ashcroft

The O'Donnell sisters, what a duo - both insanely beautiful. I follow both sisters, Ellie and Daisey who have the most amazing lifestyles, going for photoshoots, trips away, gorgeous home and so many more things going for them. They are both quite young, Daisey being the youngest and I would dream to be having the career she is having at her age. They have both got YouTube, but I don't follow that as they don't post much content. Instagram: daiseyodonnell & missellie_o

Holly Boon, an absolute beauty queen. I have recently followed her Instagram when coming across her YouTube channel, where she posts makeup tutorials. Holly is so funny and relatable, its refreshing to watch. I feel like I trust her opinion with makeup products and she has never let me down - the makeup revolution concealer is a pure holy grail. I am not a makeup fanatic, but I do like to have a nice makeup look on a night out - I'm learning slowly hunnies. If you love your makeup, you'd be silly not to check out her YouTube channel. Instagram: hollyboon_ YouTube: Holly Boon

Oh Mitchell, what an artist you're. Mitchells makeup skills are crazy, the face's he bakes are gorgeous if he wasn't based so far away I would pay for him to do my makeup for every night out. The highlight he mainly uses, which I believe is Doll Light, pops. His creative eye makeup is seamless, looks like it melts into the skin. Everything about this makeup looks is 10/10 if you like a dramatic, full faced look. Mitchell doesn't tend to cater for the natural approach, but I am not putting makeup on to be natural I wanna look good. The king to her queen of makeup is found, give him a follow you will feel insirped the next time you get out that eyeshadow palette. Instagram: mmmmitchell YouTube: Mitchell MUA

I hope your following number has gone up hun, speak to you soon my lovelies.

Lots of love Els xx

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